Meet our team
Nothing Changes IF Nothing Changes
Meet Our Fam!
All of us here were once in your position. We all had to choose which path to take. Choosing recovery is choosing life, choosing to stay on the path you’re currently on leads to destruction, incarceration at some point, and ultimately death. But that’s not what you want, you crave so much more because you were created for a reason, your life is meaningful and needed. Get with one of us today and let’s get you going on the right path. I know you’re scared, we were too, it’s ok to scared and frankly you should be. Only when you stare that fear dead in the eye and move out of your comfort zone will you see that you’re so much stronger than you knew. Don’t listen to society and bully’s hurtful mocking, you are not worthless. Let us show you what real recovery looks like, what life free of chemical dependency can offer you…
Assistant Coach - Lead Author
El is crazy, she is completely different from any other person you've ever met. Insanely talented, witty, and intelligent she quickly become the person you never knew you needed in your life.
Michael Johnson
Robert Wilson
FOUNDER/CEO - Meth Addiction/Recovery Specialist and Primary Coach
Tera is the reason for all of this. She started the whole thing and has dedicated herself to the topics and techniques that society doesn't accept or acknowledge.Though Tera is not a professional and holds no professional credentials, certificates or degrees in drug addiction or recovery, she is highly qualified and educated to serve as an addiction recovery coach and specialist. All of Tera's knowledge, secrets, tips, and strategies come from something no one can learn from a book or a building; she has the power of experience. That's right, she has been there, done that, and lived to tell about it. Next month, December 12, 2024 Tera will celebrate her 19th year of freedom from crystal meth addiction. You absolutely must hear her story of crawling out of the van she lived in that was broke down in a Walmart parking lot and everything that's transpired to make her what she is today; the CEO of her own company! She knows what works and what doesnt, she will not steer you wrong! Caution though, Tera is very unapologetic in her approach to recovery and for her beliefs. She's been labeled "one hell of a mean bitch" and even described as "unstable and deranged." What can we say? Haters gonna hate! Once you hear where she stands on all these topics and why, you'll see what we're talking about. She will help you, teach you, show you, guide you, and support you 100% but please note: she will not coddle you, listen to your excuses or "reasons", tiptoe around your feelings, or refrain from saying what needs to be said no mattter how awkward, uncomfortable or painful it might be. She sees everything in black and white, there's no gray areas. She will not compromise nor will she tolorate comprimising, rule bending, and exceptions. Trust us, once you've spent an hour or two with her, this will all make so much more sense. Give her your commitment to recovery and she will give you the tools and instructions needed for you to rebuild your life and life it n ways you only ever dreamed about...